Registration night!

Following on last year’s success we are again organizing Registration Night at our sponsor pub O’Learys. So mark Friday the 16th of March at 19.00 in your calendars. We will go through what is happening during the 2012 season; home & away fixture, training, trips, cups, events and what not. And of course the much appreciated jumper presentation!

What better way to kick off the season! And a great opportunity for the new guys to get to know all the faces in the club. If you have any friends that might be interested in playing, bring them along.

We need to book tables for the dinner so please reply to this e-mail to let us know who is coming and not.

Lock it in Eddie!


The SAFF AGM is taking place at 16.00 this Sunday at the residence of the SAFF President. Söder will have 2 board members as voting delegates. Anyone else interested in coming along contact David Carde not later than Thursday. So far there are no nominations for Football Operations so please submit one if you have.


1 Roll call to establish voting list
2 Decision of the correctness of calling of the annual general meeting
3 Election of chairman and secretary of the general meeting
4 Election of 2 people signing the minutes as well as counting the votes
5 Presentation of the 2011 annual report
6 Presentation of the 2011 audited accounts
7 Comments from the auditor
8 Decision of freedom of responsibility of the board for the accounts
9 Election of the Vice-President
10 Election of the Secretary
11 Election of the Football Operations Manager
12 Election of the SAFF delegate to the AFL Sweden AGM
13 Election of the independent Auditor(s)
14 Consideration of other motions – none received
15 Amendment to the Constitution – none received
16 Open Forum: questions to the board
17 Suggestions for 2012

Australia Day 2012 @ the Liffey

Come join us for Australia Day 2012 at the SAFF sponsor pub The Liffey. Arrangements by Årsta. Last year DJ Pete kept the floor going all night, Expect no less this year!

Australia Day Party for 2012 in Stockholm. Raffles, door prizes, meat pies, VBs, great atmosphere and Best Dressed Prize. Aussie music all night long.

Pay at the door & go in the draw for an Swedish Elks AFL jumper, signed by Swedish 2011 International Team.

Check the image for details and get the latest news on the 2012 Australia Day Party Facebook page.

Australia Day Party Stockholm 2012

Ski trip, last call

Söder and friends,

Söder social events are in the air, so pencil this one into your calendar! This Wednesday 25th is the last day to confirm.

Today’s report

Snow depth 95cm
Lifts 10/12
Open slopes 20/23

Great news! For those who are keen for a Ski or Snowboard at Romme Alpin Saturday February 4th.

The weather is getting colder and more snow is on its way!
The club has decided to cover some of the paid members cost. Members – 400SEK, Non-members – 460SEK

Ski Bus – Stockholm (includes Ski pass and return bus trip)

If you haven’t got your own skies or snowboard borrow from a friend or you can rent upon arrival.

  1. To confirm your spot/s make your payment and write your name.  Pay 400SEK or 460SEK into Södermalm AFC account, bank giro 261-7017 by January 25th.
  2. Send a confirmation email to and write payment for Ski trip done, and your name.

For those who would like to, there is always the option to slip into the pub for a meal and beer upon return to Stockholm.

Pre-season training is on!

The pre-season training starts this Sunday, 13.00-14.00 at KTH-Hallen. Max and the coaching crew are going to build us up so we’re ready to take the Premiership.

Innebandy / circle training

Bring indoor shoes/clothes and an innebany stick if you have one. We also have a few extra, so don’t worry about that. Cost is  20 kr, the club will cover the rest. Closest T-bana: Tekniska Högskolan (red line) then walk 10 min.

Here’s a map

AGM and club bowling championship

This Sunday will see the kick off for 2012 with the AGM at O’Learys, Liljeholmen at 15.00 followed by bowling at Gullmarsplan at 18.00. Don’t miss the opportunity to make your voice heard! If you’re new to the game, come along and see what we can offer. The Bowling is the first of many social activities during the year, bring your family or come an challenge the club record of 255 points!

A Christmas carol from the pool side

Ho Ho Ho and Get right in there!!

pool champ

Well that is what they are all saying downtown in Stockholm inner southern Suburb of Lilljeholmen these days, As lokal resident, Joel “call me what you want” iron guts burnell Takes out the Södermalm AFC Biljard Championship! last friday! In usual Fashion the club had no less than 17 participants turn out to challenge for the Biljard title! and marking the clubs last social event for Season 2012.

and how about the biljard…..Firstly we can say, The hard done award to Chris ‘choker’ Tancredi who choked on the Black against Joelly Burnell to give him the in the group stage and a spot in the semi finals and then there was no looking back from there! Joel Had a lucky Night playing Maxwell. T. Larsson in the 2011 Final. Organiser Larry Hagberg decided to make it a best of 3 final for the first time in the clubs history. Max Won the first game easily, which would have given him the rights to the annual “Ivan Rexed Memorial biljard Sheild” but alas that was not the case. Iron guts burnell Came from behind to seal the deal 2-1 in what some were labelling as a bench mark Final.

joel walks away with the covenant Shield and his place on the clubs Roll Of honour, and Max, well he has to be content with receiving a boars head on a Shield at the local pub afterwards for second place.

In the Semi Finals it was very Straight forward, Joel dominating Ivan ” Tarzan” Rexed in what could only be described as a Massive Mind blowing defeat to The Club Leader. This devastating loss has left the Clubs fearless leader, pondering his Roll as Club President. “ I had it all planned out tonight, and to be beaten by iron guts is totally unacceptable. I guess i will be hearing about this All weekend on the Ice fishing Trip in Feb“.

Many Avid on lookers Slowly broke to Ivan, that his game was just not good enough, and that he must go away in the off season and find a Pub sponsor who has a pool table so We can all get some practice in. In the other Semi, could only be descibed as the clash of the Age! Young v’s Old, youth V’s Experience, Club Captian V’s Club Grandfather. Maxwell T larsson up against Marcus “Rappa” Rappoccio. As they say in Biljard, too old too slow??  and Max waltzed into the final.

Well done to Joel and All finalist on the Night.

It was also great to see some new faces, Dave “Westy” West and “Big Dave” Farrow getting along to meet all the guys. We look forward to seeing you at our bowling championships in January!

Game of the night! Was between The Stephens boys! recently arriving back in town, Their game, packed with intensity and witt, was a real battle of attrition, lasting 90 minutes and eventually ending the first ever Stalemate in the history of pool, what a result! all on lookers and players went away happy with this result. In Addition, there was Plenty of talk about Social events for 2012, Staring with the 2012 footytrip. Duel Downlow medalist, Micke ” half glass” Perez has offically been sworn in to be Grand poo-bah for the Trip, starting in a club record 6th straight tour of duty! like other years the pool championship marks the awarding of the following year footy trip destination. The 2012 Club footy trip has been awarded to the city of Krakow, Poland, and now we just confirming the date with the city planners for our arrival.

Plenty of talk about the Annual Ice Fishing trip in Feb. lock it into your calenders and keep an eye out for the invite it could be limited to 10 places only, however we will see what the responses will bring.

Well done to Jordo, who takes out the Club Fisherman of the year, with his 52 cm Gös, caught in July at the nissan river in småland. Also lock in the clubs AGM and bowling tournament, follow by a day at the Slopes with Rappa! check club websites for dates. Until then, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year where ever you are around the world!


Updated Statistics, one aussie in top six

Today the statistics page got updated with the 2011 results. All in all 22 players contributed with 115 unique appearances and 159 goals kicked. Notably is also the swedish domination in the top six positions.

Lars ‘Lethal’ Hagberg broke the 50 game barrier this season (congratulations again!) and we hope to see a few more advance into the 50+ games next season.

2011 Chess Championships & Beer Tasting

Twas a month before Christmas, the Söder boys were full of cheer,

to Brissle’s lokal they were headed, to play chess and drink beer.

The inaugural beer tasting competition kicked off the night,

Not a Spendrups, Pripps or Sofiero was in sight.

Fourteen questions were asked of each man,

A tie-break was required to split Iron Guts and Tarzan.

In the end it was Tarzan, or Ivan by birth,

Who took the prize and was full of mirth.”


Now onto the Chess.

A Söder record was up for grabs in the 4th Annual Söder Chess Championship. No one had ever won the same Söder award 3 years in a row. Brissles had the chance to be the first if he could win the 2011 Chess Championship. A record of 19 participants competed and were randomly split into 4 groups with the winner of each group to advance to the semi-finals.

A ‘group of death’ emerged consisting of inaugural Champion Max, Paul, Hanky and 2 unknowns in the chess world – CAngus and Paz (known to some as Baz). The only group of 4 was an even competition and full of controversy between IGuts, Ivan, Bone Crusher and Johan.Group #3 was evenly contested between Tanka, Oscar, Perezmo, Cody and Kungen, while group 4 had 2-time champ Brissles, 2-time champ-board-owner Murph, Bobby Love, Big Blue and the old faithful Jordo.

Only 3 victories came from all games in group 1 – the rest of the games were draws – with Paz taking 2 victories to book his spot in the Semi. Group 2 had a 3-way tie between Johan, IGuts and Beer-Champ Ivan. After disagreements between who was sand-bagging for a draw between Ivan and Johan, the infamous ‘chess clock’ was brought in and Ivan won the game when Johan’s time expired creating a 3-way tie. The only way to split the 3 was by lucky draw which saw Iron Guts go through to the Semi. Cody booked a semi from group 3 with 2 wins and a draw, while Brissles claimed 4 wins in group 4 to advance.

The Semi’s saw 2 intense games where Paz was victorious over former 2-time finalist Iron Guts, and Brissles ended Cody’s night. The final was played between 2 players yet to lose on the night, newcomer Paz and record-seeking Brissles. The game was played with an intensity not seen since the inaugural final back in 2008 with all onlookers doing their best to make as much noise and distract both players. Having been in this situation before, Brissles was perhaps able to block the nonsense out better than Paz, who became distracted with some of the onlookers’ observations.

In the end, it was Brissles who took his 3rd Söder Chess Championship in a row creating a new Söder record with a 3-peat of club awards.

Södermalm down under

During the International Cup this year it was fun to see all the support the Swedish national team received in Australia. Even more amazing was it to see how the Södermalm spirit is spreading outside Sweden. Seemed like everywhere we went you could see people walking around in Söder jumpers. They all want to get on the Södermalm train, and who can blame them. Our biggest fan outside Sweden, Lyle, rocked up to see the Elks play Ireland in Sydney; “I was on my way from Brisbane to Perth and decided to stop over to watch the game” What dedication!