Early final?

After the short visit and inspiring  training session by Brett Kirk last week it is time to see if any of the teams caught on to what he had to say. Both Södermalm and Bromma are undefeated and will want to make a statement by securing the top spot in the ladder before the coming summer break.


Get in there and support your team. This Friday 18.30 @ Årsta

Söder aims for the top, injuries won’t stop us!

The win over Solna in first round showed out to be a bitter sweet one, as Sean, aka Kungen was carried off with an injured knee that will keep him away for the rest of the season. Togehter with Timbi leaving for Oz and Seabass shwing up even before the first game with his hand in a casket, this naturally cause some concern in the Söder camp.

In a comment to sodermalmafc.se, Söder President Ivan stated that “We are currently looking into recruiting replacements for all three. What we need is someone hard as steel, someone fast as the wind, and someone jolly as a green giant, but I am confident that the Söder will work together as a team to cover for these losses until we do!”

Södermalm plays againts Falun 12.00 this Sat @ Årstafältet. Come support your team!

Söder win in first round

What is this? Söder didn’t play in the first round, did they?

Well, you know what they say – Never check a good story!

Södermalm was running the BBQ and set them mark for the coming season. Thanks to Andree, Ivan, Petter, Murph, Dave, Johan and MAX for goal umpireing and BBQ, and to Jordo for composing  the first ever issue of the “SAFF Footy record

On the field, Årsta and Bromma emerged victorious against Falun and Solna.

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Last training sessions before season start

This is the training schedule until Round 1. Again some small changes. We don’t have a game this first weekend, but we are running the BBQ and are to provide goal umpires for the two games.

Sun 24th of April Training @ Liljeholmen 13.00 (running + football)

Tue 26th of April Training @ Årstafältet 18.00 (football)

Thu 28th of April Training @ Årstafältet 18.00 (football)

Södermalm AFC Annual Ice fishing trip 2011

With plenty of beer and food packed! 7 brave men travelled north to the sleepy town of Smedjebacken, in the Dalarnas, to break the ice in the Clubs annual Ice fishing tournament.

The Magnificent Seven

The first day of Fishing was set for perfect conditions. Sunny skies, and 2 degrees warm, all was needed was some fish! We all headed down to the lake to begin our mighty adventure. There was about 20 cm of Snow on the lake and the ice measured 70 cm thick!!

Everyone was excited to use the new Ice bore for the first time after last year’s failure. So within the first 10 minutes 7 holes had been drilled and Lines were in and beers were cracked! Excitement was in the Air!

After 2 hours and no Bites everyone was thinking about going home, but no one was brave enough to say it though. Then, WHACK! Lars has got a monster on his 60cm Rod!! The excitement  echoed down the lake and all were at attention waiting for him to land this huge Beast! What could it be? Gädda, Öring, even a rare Dalarna fresh water Shark? Kungen was more concerned about the size of the hole! “ I hope the 15cm Diameter is big enough jordo, so Lars can land the Monster!”  No sooner had be said this and the monster Was off! Shock and disbelief was among all of us with as the silence swept down the valley.

By the Time we had all raced over to Lars the fish was gone, as too was all hope for Lars to loose the Label “Fisk Fitta” he knew it was going to be the only chance he had!

This excitement drew Kingsley and max nearer to where Lars was fishing. And kungen, Pewn and jordo junior had other ideas. They formed a break away! they packed up took the ice bore, beer and fishing gear and headed to the other side of the lake!

Jordo sat in the middle and acted as a communication hub between the 2 parties. After another 2 hours and no bites the fishing was concluded! And the Snow man building begun!

Max was declared with winner in the Scupture category and Timbi was declared the Winner in the Snow man tackling category! With a huge shoulder charge, ala Gordon Talis. Special mention to Jordo Juniors

Soon all seven fishermen headed back to the cabin with the Fisk fitta labels on. Though, we came home empty handed again for the second year, the standard celebrations were had and the drinks and fire went on late into the night as to did the story of how big Larsä fish really was!

Things are looking promising for next year as we now have had an official bite! Or was it……. Until next year ice fishing Adventure the fish remain a mystery…..  // Jordo

Snowman #1

Snowman #2

Pre-season training

On popular demand the innebandy training will continue one more week.

This Sun, 3rd of April, 13.00-14.00 at KTH-hallen. Anyone who’s keen to join the team is welcome!

Thanks to the generous support from our sponsor, Södermalms trä, the cost will only be 20kr per player.

Closest subway is Tekniska Högskolan, red line. For info, see


Södermalm inspects the Uni Oval

Surprisingly free of snow

Sunday’s pre-season training was dedicated to preparations for the coming season. With an unexpected high turnout the squad set out on its odyssey from KTH-hallen to the Uni Oval. Many perils were overcome on the way, but not all reached the goal. Seabass was seduced by sirens on horsebacks, but fortunately, considering the King’s sheep are still indoors over winter, the giant cyclops didn’t show. Lars pushed on, and finished the 20km(?) round in healthy 45 min.

The Uni Oval was leveled last fall from it’s former roller coaster profile,and I can happily report that it is already in much better shape – judge for yourself!

Pre season continues

After last week-ends interruption for ice-fishing the pre-season innebandy is back on the schedule. Next session is this Sun 6th of Mar 13.00-14.00 at KTH-hallen. If you didn’t make last week, now it’s time. Anyone who’s keen to join the team is welcome!

Thanks to the generous support from our sponsor, Södermalms trä, the cost will only be 20kr per player.

Closest subway is Tekniska Högskolan, red line. For info, see


SAFF in the local press

Journalist Lily Mackay wrote a piece about aussie rules featuring Årstas heart and soul, Damian “Damo” Gatfield in a local web based paper.

You might be interested to check out our article on the Årsta Swans and football in Stockholm- in tomorrows publication on www.yourlivingcity.com

We are a new company aiming to provide a premiere resource for English speakers and expats in Stockholm.

We have included the link to your football club in the article. Feel free to link to this article or approach us if you have a news article about your own club or any  up coming events that our readership would be interested to know about

I look forward to hearing from you in the future,


Lily Mackay

Pre season training again

The next pre-season innebandy session is this Sun 20th of Feb 13.00-14.00 at KTH-hallen. If you didn’t make last week, now it’s time. Anyone who’s keen to join the team is welcome!

Thanks to the generous support from our sponsor, Södermalms trä, the cost will only be 20kr per player.

Closest subway is Tekniska Högskolan, red line. For info, see
