We hope all Söder members, friends and family are well in these exceptional circumstances brought on by Covid-19.
The SAFF have advised that all 2020 season games until the summer break are cancelled.
As advised by SAFF:
Plan A is to play the regular season over 3 weeks in August & September with the top 2 sides playing a Grand Final on the 2nd weekend of September.
Plan B is to have a 1-day tournament in Norrtälje on the 2nd weekend in September, provided this is possible under the circumstances.
So while we are unable to play footy, the Söder Board will aim to be as creative and appropriate as the situation allows in trying to organise some club events during 2020.
Stay tuned for some cycling tours, and the inaugural Söder golf tournament where the “Blue Jacket” will be awarded!
Stay safe everyone.
Kind regards,
Söder Board