Södermalm Curling Championship

After the hugely successful fishing trip the Söder social season continues on ice. Yes, it’s that time of year again when we hit the ice rink for the Södermalm Curling Championship.

It takes place on Thursday the 19th of March between 5-7 pm at Sundbybergs curlinghall. Equipment and instructor will be provided so all you need to bring is a bit of balance and a track suit. There is room for up to 10 people and the price is 100kr/person, the club is sponsoring the rest. E-mail the club if you’re interested. First come best dressed.

The curling hall is just a 10 min. walk from Duvbo T-bane station on the blue line.

Check out this action packed video from one of the previous championships!

The Zohan takes out the Bowling Championship!

Johan “The Zohan” Dahlberg took down a strong field of contenders in the Söder Bowling Championship of 2015 with a score of 135! This marked Johan’s first winter major victory, after previously contending the pool and chess championships . Johan was ecstatic after his big win “I can’t believe it”, he said, “It was the 2nd lowest winning score ever behind Larry’s 124 in 2009”. The Zohan’s name now goes down in history on the Söder Honour Roll, found on this very website at http://www.sodermalmafc.se/honour-roll/. 2nd place was taken by Rappa with 128 and Brissles came in 3rd with 126.

We spare a thought for Matt Barton, who rolled 177 in the 1st round practice and joins Ivan Rexed (2009) as men who rolled the highest score for the day, but not in the Championship round.

AGM complete, 2015 board voted in.


The Club AGM took place on Sunday 15th February and ran smoothly in front of about 20 members. The new board was voted in for the 2015 season, and consists of new President Joel Burnell (pictured tickling the ivories) and new Treasurer Andrew Rundle. Vice President Jonas Raninen, and Secretary Oscar Löfgren will continue in their roles from 2014. The Kaj is gonna sit on the bench. The club would like to thank outgoing President Kaj for his efforts in 2014!

Pre-season training underway!

The boys have been working hard at pre-season training!!

Trainings are taking place at Globala Gymnasiet, close to Zinkensdamm T-bana and IP.

When? Sundays @ 17.00

If you are interested in joining us a new player or just want to come along for a look, you are very welcome to join us for training – it’s free and we welcome all levels of experience from beginners up to AFL legends!

Please contact us at the club email address for more details and so we know to look out for you on Sunday.
