Söder undefeated as the table turns

In a game as tight and wet as the snuggling at Timbi’s going away party later that night, Södermalm team spirit and hard work can make up for missing key players. The 4 Swedes, minimum number allowed onfield, had to workhard thoughout the game, and Luke and Shakesperare, playing their first Södermalm game ever, gave two subs altogether.

Nevertheless, running, talking, handballing, kicking, sheparding, from everyone  througout the game from all players – as a team should work – allowed Södermalm to end up on top. The final score was 95-66.

Early final?

After the short visit and inspiring  training session by Brett Kirk last week it is time to see if any of the teams caught on to what he had to say. Both Södermalm and Bromma are undefeated and will want to make a statement by securing the top spot in the ladder before the coming summer break.


Get in there and support your team. This Friday 18.30 @ Årsta

Söder aims for the top, injuries won’t stop us!

The win over Solna in first round showed out to be a bitter sweet one, as Sean, aka Kungen was carried off with an injured knee that will keep him away for the rest of the season. Togehter with Timbi leaving for Oz and Seabass shwing up even before the first game with his hand in a casket, this naturally cause some concern in the Söder camp.

In a comment to sodermalmafc.se, Söder President Ivan stated that “We are currently looking into recruiting replacements for all three. What we need is someone hard as steel, someone fast as the wind, and someone jolly as a green giant, but I am confident that the Söder will work together as a team to cover for these losses until we do!”

Södermalm plays againts Falun 12.00 this Sat @ Årstafältet. Come support your team!

Söder off to a good start [Pictures]

Suspense was in the air. It was the first game of the season for Södermalm against reigning champions Solna Axemen. The Blues had lost a few key players from last year and no one knew if the new recruits would be able to fill their shoes. The crowd was anxious and the players nervous. Fortunately one guy was calm as cucumber; coach Paul Stephens. He had a simple enough game plan for the boys to understand. “We’re gonna play 9 vs. 2! If we play as a team there will be 9 good Söder players out there against Solna’s two good players” A stroke of genius from the new coach, 9 players should beat 2 players. But that wasn’t enough; “I want two guys tagging these players and if we take care of one, they can’t pass to each other” The boys were stunned by the simplicity, 9 players will always beat 0 players.

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(Photos by Jordo) Continue reading

Söder win in first round

What is this? Söder didn’t play in the first round, did they?

Well, you know what they say – Never check a good story!

Södermalm was running the BBQ and set them mark for the coming season. Thanks to Andree, Ivan, Petter, Murph, Dave, Johan and MAX for goal umpireing and BBQ, and to Jordo for composing  the first ever issue of the “SAFF Footy record

On the field, Årsta and Bromma emerged victorious against Falun and Solna.

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