Bye bye Seabass
Södermalm is back in the game after a long summer break, and face Falun Diggers in the only away gameof the year. The Diggers have been struggeling the first half of the season, but can be expected to be strengthened by playing on home turf. “This game is not to be taken lightly, especially not with our latest debacle in mind” coach Paul said, referring to the loss against Solna. Injured Sean “Kungen” on the same subject – “We need to harden the f*** up!”
With a few injuries, some off to vacation, and Lars playing IC Cup in Australia, still the most shocking loss was revealed during the summer break – Austria’s best footy player, the jolly green giant, the man who could sell ice to an eskimo, Sebastian “Seabass” Dorda is leaving Stockholm bound for London with a hot shot job offer. Good luck Seabass!
Back on the footy field, a win against falun would again secure a comfortable lead for the remaining two games befor play off and grand Final.