Södermalm club awards night is only a few days away, Fri 28th of Oct, 19.00 at our sponsor pub O’Learys Liljehomen, but we are already looking ahead towards the end […]
Tag: Awards Night
SAFF Awards night at the Oxen bar
According to tradition, SAFF invited all clubs for a grand evening at the Oxen bar in Stockholm last Sat. The presentation of the Lars Hagberg medal for SAFF best and […]
Bitter defeat for Södermalm in final
With one victory each during the season, even though Södermalm made minor premiers convincingly, it was really anyones game in the Grand Final. The short version is – The blues […]
SAFF Awards night 2008 Summary
The SAFF awards night was held last Saturday at Oxen with 80 guests, players and partners. Södermalm represented as usual by taking home most of the SAFF awards, although not […]