Söder axe Solna in season premiere!

The 2009 SAFF season kicked-off with the Anzac day double-header at Årstafältet. It was clear from the outset that Södermalm was determined to win this game. Already at 11.00 the whole team was gathered in the change room and 10 minutes later they were outside warming up. Meanwhile, 3 lost Solna players were anxiously looking for their team mates. It was obvious that Söder was not interested in a replay of previous years’ opening games where they had lost to Solna. It was clear that they wanted revenge from last year’s GF loss. And this was the day to do it, beautiful weather, a big Anzac day crowd and the return of Södermalm star Daniel Jordan. Continue reading

Honour Roll

We have added a new page to the site! Look for the link above next to Team.

The Honour roll shows who have been awarded what medal over the last couple of years. New players might aim for a “Rookie of the year”” while others might go for the Hagberg medal 2009.”

Other club news

Congratulations to Sam ‘big blue’ Austin for being elected to the SAFF board. Well done!

Club Winter Activities:

Pool night – Monday 1st December, 7pm at söder pool hall on Hornsgatan mellan T-banas Zinkensdamm or mariatorget
Bowling – Week 3 Sunday, Jan. 18th 5pm gullmarsplan bowling alley following Club AGM.
Ice fisking – Week 8 February 20-22nd Dalarna (RSVP contact@sodermalmafc.se for interest)
Curling – Week 12 Thursday, March 19th, 5pm Lars to confirm time and place

2009 New team signings

The Södermalm football club is loosing 2 senior players from the club over the next few weeks. To counter act this loss, the club has been out heavily recruiting for next years season.

Some successful recruiting was carried out during this week, with the photos of new team member publish in our gallery. Please contact the club if you wish to join the mighty Södermalm Australian Football Club.