About Lars

The Son Of Söder!

Registration night!

Following on last year’s success we are again organizing Registration Night at our sponsor pub O’Learys. So mark Friday the 16th of March at 19.00 in your calendars. We will go through what is happening during the 2012 season; home & away fixture, training, trips, cups, events and what not. And of course the much appreciated jumper presentation!

What better way to kick off the season! And a great opportunity for the new guys to get to know all the faces in the club. If you have any friends that might be interested in playing, bring them along.

We need to book tables for the dinner so please reply to this e-mail to let us know who is coming and not.

Lock it in Eddie!


The SAFF AGM is taking place at 16.00 this Sunday at the residence of the SAFF President. Söder will have 2 board members as voting delegates. Anyone else interested in coming along contact David Carde not later than Thursday. So far there are no nominations for Football Operations so please submit one if you have.


1 Roll call to establish voting list
2 Decision of the correctness of calling of the annual general meeting
3 Election of chairman and secretary of the general meeting
4 Election of 2 people signing the minutes as well as counting the votes
5 Presentation of the 2011 annual report
6 Presentation of the 2011 audited accounts
7 Comments from the auditor
8 Decision of freedom of responsibility of the board for the accounts
9 Election of the Vice-President
10 Election of the Secretary
11 Election of the Football Operations Manager
12 Election of the SAFF delegate to the AFL Sweden AGM
13 Election of the independent Auditor(s)
14 Consideration of other motions – none received
15 Amendment to the Constitution – none received
16 Open Forum: questions to the board
17 Suggestions for 2012

Pre-season training is on!

The pre-season training starts this Sunday, 13.00-14.00 at KTH-Hallen. Max and the coaching crew are going to build us up so we’re ready to take the Premiership.

Innebandy / circle training

Bring indoor shoes/clothes and an innebany stick if you have one. We also have a few extra, so don’t worry about that. Cost is  20 kr, the club will cover the rest. Closest T-bana: Tekniska Högskolan (red line) then walk 10 min.

Here’s a map

Södermalm down under

During the International Cup this year it was fun to see all the support the Swedish national team received in Australia. Even more amazing was it to see how the Södermalm spirit is spreading outside Sweden. Seemed like everywhere we went you could see people walking around in Söder jumpers. They all want to get on the Södermalm train, and who can blame them. Our biggest fan outside Sweden, Lyle, rocked up to see the Elks play Ireland in Sydney; “I was on my way from Brisbane to Perth and decided to stop over to watch the game” What dedication!

Söder off to a good start [Pictures]

Suspense was in the air. It was the first game of the season for Södermalm against reigning champions Solna Axemen. The Blues had lost a few key players from last year and no one knew if the new recruits would be able to fill their shoes. The crowd was anxious and the players nervous. Fortunately one guy was calm as cucumber; coach Paul Stephens. He had a simple enough game plan for the boys to understand. “We’re gonna play 9 vs. 2! If we play as a team there will be 9 good Söder players out there against Solna’s two good players” A stroke of genius from the new coach, 9 players should beat 2 players. But that wasn’t enough; “I want two guys tagging these players and if we take care of one, they can’t pass to each other” The boys were stunned by the simplicity, 9 players will always beat 0 players.

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(Photos by Jordo) Continue reading

Fingerlicking good

In near perfect conditions Söder faced a combined effort from Bromma and Årsta in the last round before the finals.

Söder looked very solid in the 1st quarter. Kicks and handballs that were hitting the target combined with good exploitation of open space with quick leads. The ball went straight from kick out up the corridor and into the forwards time and time again. It was like watching a replay. The star players in Bromma were held back by Söder’s midfield and back line. 4 goals nothing to Söder at the first break.

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Pale performance by the Blues

Was it because it was the first game after the holidays? Or the fact that it was Friday the 13th? Or that we have started training with Årsta again? Who knows, but one thing’s for sure, Södermalm made a bleak appearance in this game.

In the first quarter the Södermalm players didn’t seem to find each other on the field and hesitated in the contests. Årsta on the other hand used their voices and worked hard for the ball. Solid play by Iron Guts in the back line kept the Årsta’s lead to only 3 points after the first quarter.

The second quarter was much like the first and hadn’t it been for poor kicking by Årsta, the lead would have been more than 8 points at half time.

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Södermalm hot on the ice! (updated with images)

It had been a long road for Södermalm to get to this year’s Curling Championship with the lineup constantly changing but finally last Tuesday the boys in blue hit the ice. Jordo created an upset early on by breaking up the triumphant trio from last year’s championship.That stone, reducing a 5 point loss to only 1 point. The Merrymen managed to stay in the game.

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Pre-season training starts in two weeks!

Pre-season training will take place at KTH-hallen the four Sundays in March, starting on the 7th. We have booked 2 hours between 14 and 16 and due to generous sponsorship from the club it will only cost 20 kr/player. We will focus on fitness by playing innebandy and basketball, and perhaps some hand-ball drills. As the club is putting money towards this make sure you do your best at attending. Plus Coach Jordan doesn’t like slackers. Bring indoor shoes and clothes, and an innebandy stick if you have one. There will be extra sticks for those who want to borrow. Facilities include change rooms with showers and sauna.

To get to KTH-hallen take the red line to Tekniska Högskolan then walk for 5 minutes according to the map.