Pale performance by the Blues

Was it because it was the first game after the holidays? Or the fact that it was Friday the 13th? Or that we have started training with Årsta again? Who knows, but one thing’s for sure, Södermalm made a bleak appearance in this game.

In the first quarter the Södermalm players didn’t seem to find each other on the field and hesitated in the contests. Årsta on the other hand used their voices and worked hard for the ball. Solid play by Iron Guts in the back line kept the Årsta’s lead to only 3 points after the first quarter.

The second quarter was much like the first and hadn’t it been for poor kicking by Årsta, the lead would have been more than 8 points at half time.

Jordo had to give his three quarter speech a bit earlier this time but finally Södermalm woke up. Several premium father-son-son combinations moved the ball up to Brissles who put it through the posts. A never stopping Seabass strapped on the big boot and kicked another torpedo through for a goal. All in all 6 goals in the quarter put Söder in front by 3 goals.

Söder got an early goal in the last quarter and the boys thought the game was in the bag. But Årsta wanted otherwise and after a strong finish they won the game by 5 points. It was evident that today Årsta wanted to win more than Södermalm and that one good quarter of football is not enough.

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