Södermalm scores in Finland

Södermalm set out from Stockholm on Friday night to go to Salo to play a combined Finnish side. The seas were ruff that night and upon arrival in Turku the team was down to 12 players, not a good sign for a 14 a-side game. However, when the team finally got to Salo it was up to full strength again. The Finns showed straight away what type of game this was going to be; hard running and hard tackling.

The first quarter was very even with good chances from both sides but Söder came out on top by a couple of goals. A quick goal and by the Finns in the second quarter showed that Söder could not sit back and cruise to a win. Instead they decided to take the game up to the next level, a tactic which paid off. Finland fought hard and won a lot of ball in the middle but did not manage to move it to their forwards. Although most Söder players aren’t used to playing on a big ground they did well in using the open space. All in all a great effort from both teams and a game played in good spirit. Thanks to Kaj ‘Mr Pink’ Karlsson and the other Finns for organizing.

Final score: Södermalm 14.11 95 Finland 1.2 8

Best on ground: Brad Stahlhut (6 goals)

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