2021 Cricket awards night.

Last friday the Club celebrated the inaugural SAFC 2022 cricket awards at the prestigious Södermalm Club house, aka Jordos Shed.

A great night was had by all 14 in attendance, Congratulations for Ryan Kingsley for winning the inaugural club cricketer of the year award.

Cricket Kicks off this friday at 18:00 at Skarpnäcks IP against local rivals The Village Idiots. feel free to get along and heckle and have a beer or too.


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SAFC World Bowling championships

It was the championships to end all championships. A record 21 turned out. Some first timers and some old timers. Big Blue and Perezmo staked the early claim and they were soon joined by the Duke of Yorke and the two Snowmen. With an early core like that how could it be anything other than a cracka?! 

The scoring was conservative in the first game with a majority of scores under 150. Julio and Roberto bringing the pain on behalf of “The rest of the World”. Triple M McManus looking slim as always, it’s just that he could hardly pick up a ball. He had to use a 6 weight all night. 

Zach didn’t know quite what to make of the mob. He only landed in country 3 minutes ago, green as Kermit the Frog. Lucky he understands the universal language of beer. Pierre just needed to lean down the lane and drop the ball on the head pin, he so long. 

The elder statesmen Cobra, Larry K, Perillo and Jordansson did well to make up the numbers. The body doesn’t get more flexible with time. Why does everything have to get so hard? But wait! Who’s that? The nic Law! Run Kungen Run! 

The second game proved to be the high point. In both points and sense. By the time the final rolled around, only a few could still see what they were aiming for. It was then that Big Bronza struck. Who said stalking women on isolated beaches in Western Australia isn’t beneficial for the psyche?? Hey? It’s the rest of you that are perverts.  Big Bronza, fresh off an Aussie Fishing trawler rolled 208* to qualify directly to the final.

The final consisted of Big Bronza, Ned, Perezmo, Big Blue, Brissles and Kungen who rolled a 155 to knock out Jordo by 1 point to round off the 6 finalist

As the rest of the competition started out strong and disappeared in direct correlation to the amount of beers drunk, Big Bronza stood tall. Prouder than a honeymooners dick he was. All cock a hoop, trying to be humble but not at all succeeding. All night just standing there like Stephen Bradbury, letting the early favourites Big Blue and Brissles wage a private battle of attrition. Then Steeeerike! 

Big Bronza won the final with a score of 146. lower than the 6 qualifying scores, the final was bowled in America style format and with a lot more pressure, not to mention confusing the bowlers who had to change lanes every second bowl.

After the club dinner and awards, Jonathon Briscoe rightly received the honorary life membership. Fergo controversially won the best shirt, with the same shirt, for the second year in a row. I mean, which lumberjack decided that one? 

Well done one. Well done all. A great night to kick off the year. See you at the next club social event.

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