Färingsö Tour – Söder Cycling

On Sunday 24th of May, Team Söder AFC headed north for a 70km+ return bike tour of Färingsö.

Ekerö Ferry back to Slagsta

Starting at 06:30 am from Flemingsberg station, Briscoe, Jordo, John and Perillo then rode to Slagsta to catch the 07:15 ferry across to Ekerö after meeting a new team member in Robert T. After a short trip through the island the 5 member crew soon caught up with another 2 keen and ready bikers in Ferguson and Kristofer G.

After learning about racing games and bike lingo from the new local men to help raise the competitive spirit amongst us; such as sprints to town signs and (later) Soviet style stops, the group cycled through Färingsö’s varied landscape, curved roads and challenging hills before heading to Troxhammar Golf Club for a well earned ‘fikapaus’.

After seeing Kristofer G. off at Tappströms roundabout, Team Söder then made their way southbound back to the ferry across to Slagsta for the last ‘long way home’ leg of the trip when Briscoe’s bike suffered the unfortunate 2nd puncture in 2 rides which took 15 minutes to dismantle and change, but this didn’t dampen the spirit of the team as they shortly after charged their way through the steepest climb of the day at Flottsbro before riding several km more and eventually peeling off their way home for the day.

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Team Söder Cycling – Nynäshamn Trip 10th May

Last Sunday 10th May a few guys headed out on the first long journey on the bike for Team Söder AFC down to Nynäshamn and back.

Lunch at Rosenhill

The meet up was 06.50 with a 07.00 sharp departure from Huddingehallen where Vic & Brissles led the charge down to Nynäshamn.

The crew headed past Flemingsberg, Tullinge and through Södertörn down to Grödby and Segersäng before hitting Gamla Nynäsvägen which led all the way into Nynäshamn. There it was time for a coffee break and to meet Jordo and John who joined the return journey.

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