The fishing season kick starts!

Summer has just started and the reports are pouring in. First on the board was Larry with a classic catch: Harr (30 cm) from Jämtland. Based on the subsequent results it seems like the ‘Kingsley Cruises’ out of Gnesta is attracting the Söder fishermen. The Condo gets his first recorded Söder catch ever with a 0.65kg/44cm Gös. Hitting the ground running he bagged 2.53kg/75cm gädda straight after. Larry registered his second catch of the year with a 0.56kg abborre from Gnesta.
“Well, they’re both on the dole so I guess they’ve got time to fish. Me, I’m working my heart out trying to get this country back on its feet” was the comment from last year’s fishing champion Jordo.