Timbi Poon is back… for the World Championship

Former Södermalm AFC player Timbi Poon (2010-11,   8 games, 15 goals, 2010 Pool Champion) is back in Scandinavia! Why might you ask? He is representing Australia in the Floorball (Innebandy) World Championships in Gothenburg 5th-14th December. Click http://www.wfc2014.com for details and information on how to get tickets.

Brissles was lucky enough to catch up with Timbi (pictured right) who confirmed that Continue reading

Larry brews Gold!

Fifteen thirsty blues travellers ventured to the annual Söder chess championship on 7th November with more than just chess on their minds… it was also the 1st ever Söder AFC Brewing Championship!

The competition saw 3 brewers (Larry, Jordo and Brissles) enter a total of 5 beers. Larry entered 1 beer, whilst the other two brewers each had two entries (to the dismay of Larry).

Everybody in attendance was a judge of the beer contest and a 3-2-1 voting system was enacted.

After all the votes were tallied, there was a clear winner of the 2014 Gold Medal – O’Larrys Brewery (Master Brewer Larry Hagberg) with their LIPA.

“A traditional Liljeholmen IPA (LIPA, pictured above) fermented over 5 days using Continue reading

Södermalm Awards Night

Around 30 players, spouses and friends turned up for the 8th annual Söder Awards Night.  After a dinner featuring the culinary sensations of O’Learys the evening continued with the traditional medal presentation. The big winner this season Mick Larsson took another scalp by winning the Jordo Shield as Best and Fairest Söder player. Dylan, aka Ronnie Wearmouth, finally broke the curse of being the eternal runner up and brought home the Best and Fairest Australian. Jonas Raninen received the club man award, Martin the coach’s award, Jigga the most consistent player and Tanka goal kicker of the year. Unfortunately SBS was running a documentary on migratory birds the same night so several of the winners were absent.
Bobby Love graced us with one of his rare appearances and announced that he is hanging up the bib and ending his Netball career. He also said that he is contemplating strapping on the boots again. “But only with Jordo as coach” he said. “He never gives me more than 2 minutes on the field and with my fitness that’s just about what I can muster”. Another great awards night that didn’t end until we got kicked out by the O’Learys bar staff, perhaps for the last time?

For those ill-fated who couldn’t make it, you can view the medal presentation on the Söder home page under ‘Honour Roll’

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