Jordo dominated the fishing competition

The former champion from 2011 put everyone to shame in this year’s fishing competition. He got off to a flying start by landing a 61 cm / 2.1 kg gös in Gnesta. Next stop for the J-train was the coast outside Helsingborg where he recorded a 1.9 kg torsk. This is a new species for the club although we are still waiting for the log book from the charter boat in order to confirm that the catch was completed in Swedish territorial waters. Larry got on the bard with a 50 cm gädda but apart from that it has been quiet on the fishing front. Several contenders were scoreless this year thereby receiving the title of ‘Fiskfxxxa’

Since the ice-fishing trip was cancelled this year due to global warming it was a straightforward decision for the board which unanimously awarded Jordo the fishing trophy for his 61 cm / 2.1 kg gös. Congratulations!

Do not despair fellow fishermen, the fishing competition 2014/15 has just started!