Södermalm AGM and bowling kick off 2012

Meanwhile, at the club AGM, a new board was voted in and the old one was duly appreciated for it’s efforts during the previous year. The new board consist of Lars Hagberg, President, Andrée Hansing Årman, Vice President, Marcus Rappocio, secretary, and ex-Prez Ivan Rexed was elected Treasurer after successfully campaigning with the catchy slogan “it’s the economy, stupid!

More exciting is the fact that the club had the opportunity to welcome three new players, Kaj “Kajan” Karlsson, Jamie “the jailbird” Owen with brother Nick-O, who was  curiously seated between the two Steve-O’s, once again bound for Oz. We expect great thing of the newcomers!

Big Dave Farrow joined for bowling, but althought the top scorer with 169, the results didn’t stand tall compared to last year’s club record of 245 points by the Bull. The 10-pin bowler prize was a club tie. Take a minute to check out this animation from the photos of bowling night.

Oh, yes, it\’s bowling alright!

Registration night!

Following on last year’s success we are again organizing Registration Night at our sponsor pub O’Learys. So mark Friday the 16th of March at 19.00 in your calendars. We will go through what is happening during the 2012 season; home & away fixture, training, trips, cups, events and what not. And of course the much appreciated jumper presentation!

What better way to kick off the season! And a great opportunity for the new guys to get to know all the faces in the club. If you have any friends that might be interested in playing, bring them along.

We need to book tables for the dinner so please reply to this e-mail to let us know who is coming and not.

Lock it in Eddie!