Fingerlicking good

In near perfect conditions Söder faced a combined effort from Bromma and Årsta in the last round before the finals.

Söder looked very solid in the 1st quarter. Kicks and handballs that were hitting the target combined with good exploitation of open space with quick leads. The ball went straight from kick out up the corridor and into the forwards time and time again. It was like watching a replay. The star players in Bromma were held back by Söder’s midfield and back line. 4 goals nothing to Söder at the first break.

In the 2nd quarter the Blues took it up one notch. The two animals in the ruck dominated and if the ball ended up on the ground it was picked up by iGuts, Dan or Johan. Back/forward pocket Ivan went on one of his strolls down the field and almost scored a goal. Söder continued to control the game and at half time it was Söder 7.4 to Bromma 1.5.

The 3rd quarter put the 1st half to shame as Söder excelled. Petter “Is he Australian?” Eek was running donuts out on the wings. Iron Guts was beating off Bromma players with one hand and kicking goals with the other foot. A hard kick from the pocket gave Brissles an opportunity to show what he is made of. He did a half somersault in pike and grabbed the ball. Could this be the mark of the year! Solid as a rock he put it through for a goal. Misfortune hit Bromma when Petite and Trevor accidentally collided as both of them were going for the ball. Trev was out for the game and we wish him a safe recovery.

Bromma flooded their forward line in the last quarter and finally started to have some success in getting the ball in the ruck. In one of Söder’s attacks Alex saw an opportunity and dived on the ball like a soccer goalie. Could THIS be the mark of the year! He continued doing what he’s used to and kicked a point. Just wait until Jordo gives him one of his patented kicking drills, and then there’ll be no stopping this kid. Late in the game a hard kick was going towards the forwards and it looked like it was too long, but Timbi managed to get a finger on the ball and after a bit of juggling that would make Gary Ablet jealous he had the ball in his hands. Could THIS be the mark of the year! Another goal for Timbi.
All in all a very good effort and three brilliant quarters of football.

Södermalm 13.13 91

Bromma 6.11 47

Players’ player: Petter Eek

Södermalm finished 2nd on the ladder and are now preparing for the preliminary final against Bromma.

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