After an Eventful AGM the Södermalm Football Club has elected a New President for the 2009 Season.
The new Södermalm A.F.C board looks like:
President – Jonathon Briscoe
Vice President – Lars Hagberg
Treasurer – Ivan Rexed
Secretary – Daniel Jordan
The Club Thanks Outgoing President Robert Amore for A great job leading the Club to where it stands today. Well done Bobby! Also a great thanks for all those who attended the meeting we all look forward to another fantastic and fun year ahead!
The new President has been quoted as saying “it’s going to be a dictatorial regime in 2009 with nothing less than a premiership acceptable!”
In further club news, following the club AGM, the inugural Club bowling championship were held. With a huge turn out of 25 people vying for club honour, the results were as follows:
Mens Champion – Mikael Perez with 151
Runner up -Jimmy “Victorian Champion” O’brien 146
Womens Champion – Katarina Sandberg 106
Mixed couples – Katarina Sandberg 106 and Daniel Jordan 90 total 196
Runners up – Max and Emily Larsson with 186
Our next Club event is Ice fishing, 20-22 Feb see below. This is limited to 8 places so first in will get preference. Please contact the club to register your interest.
Thursday March 19th – We have the club social activity of Curling. Please register with Lars or email the club if you are interested. It will be from 16.45 to 18.45 in Sundbyberg, so you will need to plan to get away from work early.
Tags: Club